1. Intro

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear applicant

thank you very much for your interest.

I would like to give you some information about our company. We are a German company based in Germany, Spain and Cyprus and we are building digital marketing platforms in different countries to support small and medium sized companies to market their products and services and to find new customers.

We are therefore looking for highly motivated salespeople who want to run such our Digital Marketing Platform as a freelancer. Small and medium-sized companies that use our Digital Marketing Platform pay a usage fee for this service. You as a freelancer should offer and sell this service to all companies. The job is 90% sales and 10% web design. You will get a free 2 week online sales training, which you will finish with a test. After that you will have all the knowledge to do sales successfully.

Please watch the video below and see if you are able to make such a sales pitch or a similar one to small and medium business owners. (This video was made as an example for our Nigerian Digital Marketing Platform and serves us only as an example for our platforms in Cyprus, Kenya, Nigeria, Philippines and Spain).

Calculate your monthly commission

In the first field, enter the number of entrepreneurs per day to whom you can explain our service as shown in the video. In the second field, enter the percentage of how many of these entrepreneurs book our service, e.g. 5% means that one in 20 book our service, 10% means that one in 10 book our service, 20% means that one in 5 book our service.

You can then calculate your monthly commission in NGN.

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